Stepped-Up Aesthetic + Performance

Smart Product Recommendations Engine

Powered by advanced algorithms, this engine personalizes the shopping experience, suggesting products based on individual browsing patterns and purchase histories, leading to higher conversion rates.

Inline Quickshop on Collection Pages

This feature expedited the shopping process. Users could view product details, select sizes, and add to cart without navigating away from the collection page, offering a smoother browsing journey.

Inclusive/Exclusive Filtering against Shopify Data

To enhance product search and discovery, we incorporated a sophisticated filter system. Users could include or exclude specific criteria based on Shopify data, making product search more intuitive and tailored.

Smart In-cart Offers

To maximize sales and enhance customer value, we integrated dynamic offers within the cart. Depending on cart content, users were presented with complementary products or exclusive deals, increasing average order value.

Faster Page Loads

Through careful optimization, we significantly reduced page load times. This led to higher user retention and a marked increase in conversion rates.

Self-Reliance Over Third-Parties

One of our most impactful optimizations was slashing the dependence on third-party applications and scripts. Instead, we developed on-site features that not only replaced these external dependencies but did so in a way that was aesthetically cohesive and more performant.